JC Design Group is a multi-disciplinary design firm of professionals and consultants, operating mainly in 3 areas: Planning, Architecture, Landscape. In the context of increasingly large-scale real estate projects, professional investors tend to look to architectural design consulting general contractors that can simultaneously implement steps from planning to architecture and landscape to keep the idea through, shorten the project implementation time and save costs. Owning 3 specialized brands in 3 areas of Planning, Architecture and Landscape is an advantage for JC to build a 3-in-1 integrated design solution.
JC Design Group is a multi-disciplinary design firm of professionals and consultants, operating mainly in 3 areas: Planning, Architecture, Landscape. In the context of increasingly large-scale real estate projects, professional investors tend to look to architectural design consulting general contractors that can simultaneously implement steps from planning to architecture and landscape to keep the idea through, shorten the project implementation time and save costs. Owning 3 specialized brands in 3 areas of Planning, Architecture and Landscape is an advantage for JC to build a 3-in-1 integrated design solution.
JC Design Group is a multi-disciplinary design firm of professionals and consultants, operating mainly in 3 areas: Planning, Architecture, Landscape. In the context of increasingly large-scale real estate projects, professional investors tend to look to architectural design consulting general contractors that can simultaneously implement steps from planning to architecture and landscape to keep the idea through, shorten the project implementation time and save costs. Owning 3 specialized brands in 3 areas of Planning, Architecture and Landscape is an advantage for JC to build a 3-in-1 integrated design solution.
JC Design Group is a multi-disciplinary design firm of professionals and consultants, operating mainly in 3 areas: Planning, Architecture, Landscape. In the context of increasingly large-scale real estate projects, professional investors tend to look to architectural design consulting general contractors that can simultaneously implement steps from planning to architecture and landscape to keep the idea through, shorten the project implementation time and save costs. Owning 3 specialized brands in 3 areas of Planning, Architecture and Landscape is an advantage for JC to build a 3-in-1 integrated design solution.

JCL tham gia hạng mục thiết kế cảnh quan Trường Liên cấp DEWEY – đạt Giải Đồng Giải thưởng Kiến trúc Quốc gia năm 2021.

JCL đạt giải Nhất cuộc thi tuyển thiết kế cảnh quan vườn hoa Trung tâm SAPA, dự án đồng thời đạt Giải Vàng Giải thưởng Quy hoạch Đô thị Quốc gia VUPA 2022.

giải thưởng dot property award & giải thưởng quy hoạch đô thị quốc gia
Dự án Danko City 50Ha do JCL thiết kế cảnh quan nhận giải thưởng Khu đô thị có Thiết kế cảnh quan đẹp nhất Việt Nam DOT PROPERTY AWARDS 2020 và đạt Giải Vàng Giải Quy hoạch Đô thị Quốc gia VUPA 2022.

JCL tham gia Thiết kế cảnh quan dự án Khu du lịch cao cấp Green Paradise, Quy Nhơn – đạt Giải Đồng Giải thưởng Quy hoạch đô thị Quốc gia VUPA 2020.